A new reality series that follows the exciting journey of a family who started from nothing, as they build a Hospitality Empire. Will they be able to manage navigating Business & Family, or will sibling drama sink the whole ship?
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Some people focus on business, Some focus on family but when this family went thru a series of tragedies they were forced to focus on both. Anthony and Ernisha Randolph built a million dollar hospitality group from their love of food and music. Having a full house led them to think combining forces and working together in the family business seemed like a good idea…or is it? This docuseries follows this young, hard working, loud, multi-talented, family with a sassy & loving grandma thru their daily lives where everyone is an entrepreneur including the kids, as they all work together to build their food & entertainment Empire. From Nisha creating award winning recipes & coaching new entrepreneurs to success, to Ant writing music, producing and performing while building a tech company, to Grandma meddling in the family’s youth-led restaurants and changing rules without consulting with the managers first. This close-nit family is challenged with managing multiple businesses, unstable employees, balancing fun & focus in Miami, all while training the younger family members to run an Empire. Through it all, the Sweet Butter family dishes out a perfect blend of drama, humor, love, spice & soul.
Anthony & Ernisha
The vibrant couple who leads the cast. Anthony is the musical, visual & audio production genius who keeps the family full of feminine energy under control.
Ernisha is the entrepreneurial, motivational speaker, and business mind behind many of the family’s businesses. She’s bossy, and makes everything about making “cents”. She created the million dollar recipes for the family’s restaurants.
The dramatic dessertress who bakes all the desserts for the family’s restaurant.
This sassy grandma takes no mess but has a heart of gold. She’s older in age but knows all the latest trends. She keeps the moral balance in this family of personalities.
The mellow little brother is pushed to the limit and beyond as he’s been thrown into the food industry because his family needed him, when he had just graduated with a degree in construction management and architecture. While he does get to use his skill for the family business, this really ain’t what he signed up for.
The baby boss of the bunch has to grow up fast and help run a business as Cook & Manager while her friends are having fun in life. She tried to navigate life in her early 20’s, but kinda gets caught up partying, drinking, and living it up while trying not to get caught by her super business parents.
The kids: AJ & Amari
Everyone in this family has their own business including the kids. But don’t think it’s easy and giggles. They also have to work in the family business which gets sticky especially while growing up under everyone’s radar.